Sunday, August 26, 2007

The biggest little sleepy casino town in the world!

Juan looks almost as bored as I look mentally challenged.

On Tuesday of this week, John and I headed up to Reno to hang out with my buddy Juan (who's also a co-worker). A while back he'd won a free two-nights stay in a hotel of his choice, and he was nice enough to invite us to fly up , hang out, and share the room. We stayed at the Peppermill Casino Hotel (which is actually the nicest Casino there...despite, or maybe because of, the millions of dollars in neon and pretty flashing lights they've installed) One of the neater things that they had, pretty much everywhere, were these TV screens inside art frames, which usually had what appeared to be really pretty nature stills cycling on them. But then I'd really look, and realize that the images were actually 15-30 seconds of video of some great landscape or waterfall. Really cool.
I don't know which is more pink...the hat, or John.

Anyway, one of the major draws for John and I in Reno was to see the famous National Automobile Museum. All of the cars there at one time belonged to Bill Harrah (the Harrah's Casino guy) who was also an avid car-nut. There were somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 cars on display there, which supposedly are merely a small portion of his overall collection that get rotated throughout the year. Some of the more famous cars: The Batmobile, Elvis' Thunderbird, Frank Sinatra's Chrysler, and a good number of Ed Roth cars.

Does this make us look provincial, or just like idiots that can't resist an opportunity to play dress up?

The rest of the town was kinda neat to see too...kind of a mini-Vegas on Lithium. Not nearly as much going on, but it's clean and has some pretty their River Walk. The whole town seemed a little sleepy at times, but after having spent plenty of time in Vegas lately that was actually a welcome change.

You wouldn't see this in least not without a few bodies floating about.

All in all, a good time was had by all...and we learned one very important lesson...never go out on a weeknight following Pride in Reno...unless, of course, you enjoy being one of 5 people in an establishment.
One of the Ed Roth cars...or is it some fancy snow blower?

1 comment:

Mike said...

The city of Reno did a big disservice to auto fans everywhere when they dismantled the over 3,000 cars that William Harrah had amassed over his life. They auctioned and sold the majority of this collection instead of showcasing what may have been one of the best around. That's why Reno, as you describe, is the biggest little sleepy casino town in the world.

Reno was my home for 25 years, but the influx of refugees from California made the town a terribly expensive place to live. I'll be back someday to reclaim my home, but for now I'm content being formerly from Reno. BTW, your picture posted on Homer's blog is hot!