Saturday, August 18, 2007

Random Beef #4 ("Reason enough to tolerate the FX network" edition)

Angry because his opponent wore the same Prada gym shorts to the fight that he did. (That bitch)

At work the satellite system for our breakroom TV has been on the fritz for the last few weeks. Which means that, of the 3.5 trillion channels available on the guide thingy, we have only been getting about 5 of them to actually work.

I wonder if he'd hold still long enough for you to do your laundry on those?

One of the channels that comes in is the FX network, which seems to be a favorite with the guys at work. Which is ok with me, because even though they show really cheesy testosterone-fuled cliche-fests...they sometimes show cheesy testosterone-fueled cliche-fests like Undisputed 2. Whose only redeeming quality was that you got to see this guy shirtless and sweaty...alot...but that was still enough to keep me watching for a bit.

Maybe it's overactive sweat glands...or maybe it's spilled lube.


Moby said...

Mmmm beefy!

rob said...

Hot. Would be hotter without the random tattoos though.

patrick said...

I don't know about that Rob. He's pretty tight.