Saturday, July 14, 2007

Overtraining? There is such a thing?

Some of you who've read my sporadically updated little blog on a regular basis may remember a post from a while back bitching about losing weight unexpectedly, despite eating more than I ever have. That, joined with being generally tired and developing a slight case of tendon-itis, led me to talk to a few friends with a pretty good knowledge of weightlifting and all that testosterone-y stuff.

They essentially both said "Duh, you're overtraining". Given that I, on a given day: wake up, go to the gym and totally kick my ass tossing about heavy things for an hour and a half, shower, head to work, totally kick my ass tossing about heavy things for about 8 hours, then go home and catch a little sleep before starting it all again...I guess I can see their point.

"So what should I do?" I asked my buddy Perry (who's not only one of the in-better-shape people I know, but has also won a bodybuilding competition).

"Take two weeks off the gym, eat alot, sleep alot...reset your body's overtraining clock"

I, being not only gym-obsessed, but also stubborn as hell. Scoffed at the idea, and headed directly into the gym the next morning and did legs. As if to tell me that I was being an idiot, my body found the "tired" and "pain" buttons and pressed them as hard as possible that day. Walking felt like trying to animate a zombie from the inside...and yes, that IS the best description I can give. Or maybe it's because Shaun of the Dead was on TV in the breakroom that night.

So here I am in day two of my weightlifting embargo. And oddly enough, I don't feel nearly as bad about it yet as I thought I would. But that could be because I just got home from tossing about heavy things for 8 hours at work...just maybe.

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