Monday, July 23, 2007

Lazy lazy Saturday...

Well, it's officially my Saturday. And yes, I realize it's Monday for pretty much everybody else, but when you've got Monday and Tuesday as your weekend you tend to measure the week a little differently.

My original plan for today, when I was looking at it from the perspective of my Monday (which was Wednesday), was to finally find my way back into the gym after my self imposed hiatus. But, as Moby alluded to on his blog the other day, I developed a not-so-friendly stomach bug a couple days ago that has yet to leave me entirely. Going to the gym seems like a less than ideal plan when your stomach sounds like it has a herd of angry, confused veloceraptors squealing in it.

So I think this will be my super-mega-lazy Saturday. I headed up to Sprouts for some foodage earlier, just finished a big bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and bananas on it, and am now being a total bump on a log in front of the computer. Which will likely be what most of my day will consist of.


patrick said...

Actually sounds pretty fun! Work has been dreafully boring for me today.

Moby said...

I so wanted to call off today. So beautiful out. My sunburn is turning into a nice base tan so I was very tempted to go lay out again. Too bad you are in the middle of a monsoon!

No, I'm not gloating, why would you say that? *g*

TJ said...

Some days it's good to be a bump.