Friday, July 20, 2007

Gym Embargo: Day 7

Well, as much as I hate taking time off from the gym, it's been a week now since I tossed around the ol' iron. The surprising part is that I don't feel the kind of irritation and grumpiness that usually comes with not getting to the gym. I'm actually feeling alot less tired and worn down. I've also comforted myself with the knowledge that this will make my workouts better in the long run...and will prevent me from doing damage to my body.

I have experienced some odd things, however. Such as feeling sore from a workout I'd done 5 days earlier, and my appetite actually increasing over the last week. But I guess that's what happens when you finally give your body the chance to rest like it should.

1 comment:

Moby said...

Well, up until today, right? *g* Feel better. Make that fuzzy bear husband of yours take care of you.