Wednesday, May 2, 2007

DC Trippin...Day 2

Saturday night, while walking amongst the monuments, we had talked to Jimbo on the phone about having brunch on Sunday. He wanted to meet us at a place called Annie‘s on 17th street which is in sort of the DC version of the gay ghetto. We were to meet him at 11:00 and, oddly enough, Dan + John were planning to meet some friends there at 10:30. So we hitched a ride with them there. Which was good, as we hadn't quite mastered the Metro yet.

Annie‘s was cute, the type of place where the gays trot out Saturday night‘s trick on Sunday morning for all their friends to see. Afterward, Jimbo was nice enough to show us around the area. We stopped in front of a Freemasons-related building that had these neat sphynxes (or sphynges, as Jimbo informed us, is the proper plural) for a photo op or two. He then led us to Dupont Circle, where he had to part ways with us to get back to the work we‘d been helping him avoid.

The Freemason's temple-thingy had very nice landscaping and purdy trees.

The woofy Jimbo was on his tippy toes so he'd look taller than my woofy husbear.

Us gettin all snuggly in front of the sphynx (maybe that's why it had its eyes closed).

From there we saw the Air + Space Museum, which was neat. Then we hit the Mall (the kind dedicated to our republic, not the kind with a Bananna Republic) and saw the gigantic phallic symbol that is the Washington Memorial. Then we saw: The World War 2 Memorial, The Vietnam Memorial, and the Licoln Memorial. Then we headed back to John G‘s place for a little disco nap, in anticipation of a night out.

John being distracted by the hot military guy that was getting searched at the security entrance to the Air & Space. Seriously.

Isn't that, like, all patriotic and stuff?

Me and Mr. Lincoln...we got a thing...goin' on...Well, he was supposed to be gay(-ish), right?

Rested and ready, we headed out for an evening of clubbin‘. We had missed out on Saturday night, but figured that in a city of 5 million there would be more going on than in Tucson on a Sunday.

Not so much.

The Green Lantern, supposedly fun and bear-laden on Fridays + Saturdays, was "tragic kareoke and martini night" on Sundays. The Eagle? Emptier than Karl Rove‘s well of ethical standards. But at least I managed to buy a cool hoodie sweatshirt from there...'cause you know how much we need that kind of clothing down here in Arizona this time of year.


Moby said...

Mr. Lincoln is looking a little pale. He should get out more. *g*

It has been sunny two weekends in a row here now. Not sure what to do with myself!

Homer said...

you are much hotter than Lincoln, much hotter

Homer said...

you are much hotter than Lincoln, much hotter

Jimbo3DC said...

I look like I'm trying to get away from John in that picture. Honestly, I wasn't.

Frank said...

It's ok, with the profuse sweating he can do from those pits you might've been! Though some do like that kinda thing...