Saturday, May 5, 2007

DC Trippin': Day 3

The next day we got up from our night out, and tried to plan our day (which usually involves me prodding John for suggestions on what to do so that we don't just do what I have in mind, making me seem like the overbearing vacation nazi that I can sometimes be). Being the OCD gym-goers that we like to think of ourselves as, we both wanted to get a little work out time in. Given that it had been *gasp* 5 days since I'd last tossed around the iron, I was all about this idea. Some people gotta try out shopping in a new town, some gotta try out new coffee shops, we like trying out new gyms.

We then got a phone call from Jimbo, who told us that his running buddy had the info on the good place to be on a Monday night in DC, and asked if we could meet him out around 8:30-ish. A little later, John G called and asked us about meeting him and Dan out for dinner around 7-ish. We told him we'd meet him back at the house to pick up his truck around 6-ish so that we could let him into the house, as we had his keys.

Not really sure what this building was, but it has the number "1" spelled out in tulips on the lawn.

We looked at the time, and it was 1 or so. Which gave us just enough time to see the front of the white house, a really nicely lanscaped building next to it, and make our way to the gym. After the gym it was back to the house, then on to dinner at a really good Thai place whose name I can't recall. We met there with John G, Dan, Jimbo and his sweet and witty running buddy. Dinner was alotta fun, and the food was really good.

From there it was off to RJ's for (brace yourself) show tunes night. There's nothing more fun than seeing a large group of men simultaneously belting out "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" as loud as they can muster, especially after they've all had more than a few intoxicants. It was sure as hell alot busier, and more fun, than the bars we'd visited the night previous though. Oddly enough we ran into a few people we knew from Tucson there too.

We also found out that big city boys are all shy and chaste:
Random guy approaching John: "Hi, that's my boyfriend over there...we think you're hot...we want you to come home with us so you and he can both double team me.".

Apparently, that's the new version of "Hi, my name is Tom. What's your name?". Though I suppose there's certainly something to be said for efficiency.


kimonchan said...

the picture is wonderful
welcome to my blog

dan said...

That building with the Number 1 in tulips is the Old Executive Office building (next door to the White House). This is Cheney's lair. brrrrrr....

I can only hope you made it to Lafayette Park (so close!) to the MOST HOMOEROTIC STATUES in the country. No trip to DC is complete without a visit.