Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Bad blogger! BAD!

I realize that I've been totally falling down on the job with my blogging duties. I do at least have a decent excuse, given that I've been on two trips out of town in as many weeks. The funny thing I'm finding about this whole having a journal thing is that when I have interesting stuff to write about, I don't have the time to do it. And when I have the time to write...I usually don't have anything interesting to write about.

So I dusted off the old palm pilot, and put it to use doing something other than tracking my workouts, so that I can do a little bit of writing while I'm away from the convenience of a computer. So I'll be blogging about things that happened a week or so ago, but it's better than not at all, right? After all, one of the big reasons to do this is so that I can look back and remember a little more vividly the stuff I've done too.

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