Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall has...uh...fallen?

The weather here in Tucson is finally starting to turn just a bit. We're getting days where our high is in the low 90s, instead of being over 100 every day. And some of the humidity of the monsoon season had left us too (so I don't come home from work nearly as sweat-drenched now). So I guess fall is here.

But what's signaling the arrival of a new season for me is not so much what the outside conditions are like, but more how people's attitudes seem to be shifting a bit. At work, I've been noticing a feeling that I'm just going through the motions. Travel is a little slower, and that means less work for us, generally speaking. I was a little worried that maybe it was just me getting bored at work, but I noticed most of the other guys seem to be feeling the same way.

So what is it about seasonal changes that seems to shift people's attitudes? Is it some sort of post-summer/pre-holiday season funk that we all fall into, knowing this will be the last time we really get to relax until January? Is it just the nicer weather making us all want to be outside, enjoying it? Is it some sort of ion-charge difference brought on by all the wind that usually comes this time of year? Or is it just that we're all driven by some ancient mammalian instinct to start settling down for hibernation?

Or maybe I'm making too much of all this, and you guys have no idea what I'm blathering on about.


Homer said...

I turned my swamp cooler off. And it was still cool inside my house. That makes me happy.

Rich said...

we actually had rain here in Los Angles last weekend. people ran screaming into the streets thinking that the world was ending. then they scrambled to cover their precious cars from the damaging water.