Thursday, March 29, 2007

Random Beef

One of the things I definitely intend on doing with this blog, as alluded to in my 1st post, is the the exhibition of some good old fashioned eye candy. Specifically, I want to have beef that's geared a bit more toward my tastes than what one usually finds on a gay blog (ie. Big, beefy, hairy, older dudes NOT the skinny, hairless guys who look like they really ought to be in wood-shop, instead for wood).

My dilemma was in how to present the feature of said hot gentlemen. I thought that a "beef-o-the-day" would be really great, but I know me...and I wouldn't be nearly regular enough (no fiber comments, please). Then I thought that a weekly feature would be fun, like "Beefcake Tuesdays" or something. But that's way too regimented for me. So I settled on "Random Beef". Because what's more fun than getting surprised by coming to the blog, not knowing when to expect some fresh hotness?

So without further ado...

Today's Random Beef is Pride(?) Fighter Jeff Monson


Homer said...

I can't wait for my pic to be on your Random Beef selection...

Frank said...

But you haven't let me take a picture of that yet...