Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's my first time...please don't be gentle.

So I thought I'd try to be cool like all the other kids out there in internet-land and try out this whole blogging thing. Problem is, it's about 12:30 am and I can't really think of anything pithy or clever to post. So, I suppose, it's like the first time at alot of things then...awkward, stumbling and not quite what you were hoping for.

So, am I supposed to start out with a mission statement, or a prime directive of my plans for posting? Too nerdy, or not nerdy enough?

Should I make this my arena for posting hot beefcake and sundry related items (as per the name)? Should it be my political soap box for my leftist, godless rantings? Or should I just post my every day meanderings to see if anyone out there would actually be so bored as to read about them?

I guess, for now, I'll say yes. To all of the above. But mostly I'll just try to actually post (any) stuff on a more than yearly basis. That sounds like a deal I can almost certainly (maybe) keep with myself.

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