Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Homer's pizza-Jimbo-lotteria-brownie extravaganza!

As usual, I'm suffering from my way-too-early-in-the-morning insomnia thing. The weird thing is that it's always from being hungry. My grumbling stomach wakes me up and keeps me that way until I find something in the pantry to satisfy its greedy little pangs. So I thought this would be the perfect time to make my 2nd ever blog-post.

So last night we went over to Homer's place for a little pizza party thing he was hosting in honor of his friend Jimbo's last night in town. I was a little surprised at first when Homer said the main course would be pizza, given his DIY culinary leanings. I thought "will it be delivery, or DiGorno?". I shouldn't have been the least bit surprised, however that his pizzas were not only delicious, but made from scratch (yes, even the dough as far as I could tell). Said Homer-made treats (he coined the phrase, I can't take credit) were followed up by an awesome brownie and ice cream dessert.

After gorging on the pizza, we all played Mexican bingo (AKA Lotteria). I'm ashamed to say that despite being the only person with Mexican lineage there (yes, I'm making assumptions) I'd never really heard of it. Not only that, but everyone else's Spanish interpretations of the words on the cards were far beyond my "Donde esta el bano?" level of Spanish vocabulary. BAD half-Mexican. BAD!

Those who won at the lotteria were given fun prizes. I won twice, for which I got a plastic farm animal set (I heard that snicker, you), and a toy beauty set, which I traded for a do-rag. Homer's blog currently has the least-flattering-photo-ever of me in said article, go check it out...good times. John won, like, four times. He brought home a treasure-trove of goodies.

Since I'm not sure yet how to do captions, I'll put them up here as according to the photos:

1. The cards on which one plays Mexican bingo.

2. Perfect host Homer playing "Julie" (the social director of our cruise).

3. My little furball, likely laughing about embittering those who he won more than.

4. Adorable sweetheart Jimbo, showing off some of his prizes.

5. Wise guy Patrick showing humble respect to his Virgin Mary night light.


Homer said...

I got first comment!!!!!

Jimbo3DC said...

OMG Homer beat me to the punch!