Monday, February 25, 2008

Do I still get to keep my card?

I have to admit to being a really bad homo last night. No, not the kind of bad that requires a prescription for penicillin and/or a bail bond. No, I'm talking about the kind of offense that would actually GET a gasp from the average gay guy...and a possible de-listing from their "top 8" on MySpace. Yes, that's right...I'll admit it...I totally didn't watch the Oscars last night. Not only did I not watch them, but I honestly didn't even care that I missed them.

Now, before anyone out there rounds up a posse (complete with pink pitchforks and sparkly torches...hee hee) I have to say that I WAS doing something utterly gay...working out at the gay-est LA fitness in all of Arizona.

And, in my defense, I read something about this being the least watched Oscars EVER.

I guess not everyone heard that the writer's strike was off, eh? Though, given the caliber of groaners they usually write for that thing, maybe that's WHY no-one watched.

1 comment:

Homer said...

I didn't watch either!