Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Billie Jean is NOT my lover.

The thing about flying non-rev (for free, but always standby) is that sometimes you have to make some extremely weird routing to get where you want to go. This past weekend, for example, we wanted to get to LA. But all the flights out of Tucson to LA (and to pretty much everywhere else) were full.

As such, we had to fly to Albuquerque so that we could make it to LA. Which was kind of a pain in the ass...but had we not routed that way, we never would have seen this...

It was plastered right outside the bathrooms in the terminal. You'll have to click on it to better see all the detail...but it was an ad for a gay retirement community in Santa Fe.

Notice the cuddling hot tub guys in the upper right hand corner...and the harsh portrait of Billie Jean King toward the middle.

John and I giggled about that poster for a good half hour.


Rich said...

That was Billie Jean King in the center, holding the tennis racket? really? I thought it was Trent Lott.

Ella said...

I must be a real "Red Neck" growing up in Pensacola FL. I've been to LA, San Fran, NYC and DC. I like NYC the best though.

Fun blog to read.

Peace out,
