Friday, December 14, 2007

What rednecks do with their inheritence money...

A while back John and I went to Phoenix to go to a good friend's housewarming party shindig. This particular friend tends to be quite the overachiever when it comes to...well...pretty much anything. As such, he wanted everything to be perfect for the party.

Unfortunately, he also has currently a whole lot on his plate, so when it came time for the party to be about ready to start, he still had a million little things he wanted to finish. Knowing he was likely freaking out about getting things done, I asked if we could do something to help. He asked if we would be kind enough to swing by a store of some kind and grab an X-mas tree stand.

Which leads us to the picture and title of this post. We pulled into the K-mart parking lot and saw this...

Which pretty much made our night! Here was a jacked-up 50's school bus that this colorful pair of rednecks were charging admission to ride around the K-mart parking lot in. Big dorks that we are, we were fascinated by seeing it tear around, burning TONS of fuel and, I'm sure breaking a few noise ordinances.

I think I want one. Even if the guy said it got something like a half mile to the gallon.


Rich said...

interesting. That make and model bus was the one that was used for "The Partridge Family" T.V. show
(C)screen gems television 1971

sandy said...

But did you guys actually RIDE in it? That's what I wanna know! Doing your part to foster free enterprise and all.

Todd said...

You were in Phoenix and didn't even call me? LOL!