Sunday, January 27, 2008


So my gym finally put some money into re-decorating the place. But, unfortunately, this is the color they decided on for the weight room. Squished smurf, anyone?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Life without a computer sucks.

Ok, so I know it's been a REALLY long time since my last update, but I promise I totally have a good excuse to give to those of you who still bother to look at my poor little blog thingy. You see, it's pretty hard to blog without the use of a computer or internet connection. Why, in this day and age would someone be without such accouterments, you ask?

Well, I'm glad you asked...(ok, so you didn't, but I'm telling you anyway)...

...a while back, I took a trip to go visit family and friends in Phoenix. The trip was nice, at least until I got into a rather irritating and unfortunate argument over the phone on the way home. I tell you that to preface my mindset heading into the events yet to come.

So, flustered and aggravated, I finally reached home and couldn't wait to go inside to unwind and unpack. I set my bag and a few other random things I was carrying with me down on the porch, and slid the key into the lock, unlocked it, and went to turn the knob...which was locked. I should now include the detail that the knob is never something we lock, or even carry a key for. My first thought was that I'd been an idiot and, while leaving the house prior, had locked the knob on my way out. So my mind started to race to think of how I was going to get in.

Locksmith? It'd take too long, and I don't know that they'll even open a front door if you can't prove you live there (my license still has my old address on it)

Pry a window? A possibility...I started around the side of the house to see what might be best option for that idea, not really thinking of the fact that the overhead light was on, which I had turned off...and saw that the blinds in our office were splayed open...and a pair of paintings that we STILL haven't hung up were propped against the hallway.

John was out of town this whole time, so my first thought was that he'd surprised me by coming home early...and was maybe doing some cleaning or something. When I came around to the back door of the office, I saw that it was wide open. Oddly, my computer, and a few odds and ends were sitting next to the they

Call me dense, or maybe it was because my mind was a little clouded from the argument that I'd just finished having over the phone, but it took me this long to finally realize what was going on. Finally realizing it, however, I ran into the house and started yelling in the most butch voice I could muster..."GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE...NOW!" over and over again as I ran from room to room trying to make sure none of the thieves were still inside. I swear I must have looked like Mel Gibson's character in "Signs" when trying to chase off what he thought were pranksters.

When my blood pressure finally came back to normal human levels, I called the police, and started to take inventory of what was gone.

Among the many things those worthless bastards made off with was our wireless router and the other computer. They'd have actually gotten away with the my computer (and countless other things), had I not come home right in the middle of their theft-fest.

So, needless to say, without the router I've been without internet for some time now. So I have to make guest appearances on other people's wireless networks for now to do my blogging, etc.

Despite this, I'm going to do my best to keep up with things again, and restore my life to normalcy of some kind. So thanks again to those of you still checking in on me from time to time, I promise not to fall of the face of the Earth as much anymore.